Sunday, December 26, 2010

The great gaming adventure of 2010/2011.

Alright, people, it's time to get down to SRZ BZNZ.

For christmas, I aquired quite the list of PS3 games for christmas, and I now present you with the following:

You get to choose a game from this list, for a week, I will post AT LEAST once a week (first week is gonna be every day) and let you in on my rages, findings and occasional "LOLWTF?" on the way.

So, the list of games you have to choose from is:

- Assassin's Creed 2 (and Brotherhood, but I want to finish 2 before Bro)
- CoD: Black Ops (Obviously this will be the Multi-player and quite shite)
- Fallout: New Vegas
- FIFA 11 (I will make a pro, and dedicate him to the blog)
- DJ Hero 1/2 (If this becomes the pick, I will RP the shit out of it.)

As I have already gotten started with two other games I got, I decided to not throw them onto the list. So this is the list you have to go by.

So now it's up to you. Post what you want me to play, rage, laugh and inform you about, and I will do such.



Monday, December 20, 2010

Alright, time to get this out.

Alright, I've been deliberately keeping away from posting what I am about to post, but it feels really shitty to not let you people know WHY I haven't been posting as frequent as I did earlier.

My brother was in a car crash about a month ago. His injuries were bad, but not fatal. He had two broken arms, a dislocated hip and a crushed foot.

This might be good enough of a reason, but I want to clarify some things for those of you who might be asking yourself some questions (And I've answered these questions on a daily basis since the accident happened, so why not make a FAQ?).

Q: How is he now?

A: He is doing really well, looking at the situation. He is already home, lost one of the casts on his arms, and is doing a really speedy recovery.

Q: How are YOU doing?

A: I am doing fine. I've been trying to help my brother as much as possible lately by acting as his personal assistant when he needs it. I've also gotten alot of time to think about stuff around me, and what is good and bad for me. I've also gotten over the shock and I am trying to get back into normal again.

Q: Will your brother fully recover?

A: Yeah, he most likely will. The only problem might be his foot, but he should be able to at least get back to golfing, which is his favourite hobby.

Q: Have this affected him in any way?

A: Well, he's become more careful when it comes to people driving, but he is still the same brother I've had to live with for the past 21 years. If anything, he's become more thankful for everything, and he is really showing his appriciation alot more than he used to. But nothing in the negative way.

I think that covers the most of the frequent questions I get. In respect for my brother, I do not want to describe the accident or how we reacted the evening of the crash, so if you want to hear that story, try to catch me on steam or something and I can give you a short summary of what happened.

I also want to give a big thanks to everyone who has supported me and made me feel good the past month and I want to thank everyone who showed they cared and wanted to help me and my family through this event.

I hope you all have a really good christmas and a great new years...

...BAH! Just janking your chain. I'll most likely post some ideas for segments I had before the accident, and I'll let you decide on which to keep and which to scrap.

Untill we meet again,


Tuesday, December 7, 2010


This can't really be ignored anymore, so it's time to look at the whole Wikileaks situation going on in the world.

Let me start off by saying that I am a bit on the fence when it comes to this. On one hand I respect what Wikileaks is doing; Giving information to the people that deserve to hear it.

HOWEVER, I do not support it in the way that they don't seem to realize the extreme consequences this can have on the political world. In a world where some relations already are shakey as it is, we don't need a rat in the system making those relations crumble upon itself.

A thought that struck me the other night when thinking about this whole shebang was that this whole shit could possibly be a contributing factor for an eventual World War 3 if done incorrectly.

Now, I am not saying that Wikileaks will be the founding factor for WW3, not at all, but it could well be that Wikileaks releases some info that is handled incorrectly and/or misinterprited in the eyes of the beholder, thus leading to a major war.

The info on the Iraq/Afghanistan war that Wikileaks released was an acceptable release of information to see how poorly handled the "war" was in the middle east. HOWEVER, the latest release kind of just stirred shit up, and if the next one properly fucks shit up...

...Do not want.

But as I said. I am a bit on the fence on the whole subject since their first release was to out all the wrongs the US did after starting a completely bullshit war in Iraq. But their latest release, to be totally honest, scares me a bit.

What's your thoughts on this?



Monday, November 29, 2010


I know I've been away for a week, and there is a reasonable reason for that, however, I don't want to talk about it today.

Instead, we're gonna give my friend Olsten a happy birthday! Me and Olsten were up to a fuckload of mischief back in my WoW days, and had our own little "Ols n Ohlz"-editing crew going.

I know we haven't spoken much lately, but bro, I found these for you, man:

Here's lookin at you, kid!

Ha en bra födelsedag bruschan! Snart gör vi kaoz med internet igen!

Monday, November 22, 2010

Video Week - The finale!

So, here we are. The final post towards Video Week.

Today, I am not going to talk so much about the clips. I will let them talk for themselves. Because today I have found a mix of different types of masterpieces.

First up, a masterpiece of acting. This is a 10 minute monologue from Brandon Hardesty (Not sure on spelling), A.k.a. ArtieTSMITW on youtube. See it and realize the pure acting skills involved in this simple, yet amazing video.


The second video today, is another short that I found on Vimeo. It's not of the greatest calibre, but it's sure as hell not bad. I quite enjoyed it alot actually.

Short Film 'The Black Hole' from PHOTOPLAY FILMS on Vimeo.


Our third clip today, is one of those videos that I really like, but I don't know why. It's a french animation named "Mon ami le robot", and goes by the english title "Playing with light". Give it a watch and see if you like it the same way I do.

Playing with light - Mon ami le robot from Cube Creative on Vimeo.


Alright. The last clip for Video Week will be a music video. This is the music video for the acoustic version of "Juneau" by Funeral For a Friend. The video is so special and mixed with the song it's just so beautiful and peaceful. Give it a watch and listen, and you'll hopefully be touched the way I am every time I watch it.


Well, that concludes Video Week. If you liked this, feel free to give me a shout and I'll throw in another video week with a theme at some point.

Untill next time.

Signed, Exxy.

Sunday, November 21, 2010

Video Week #3.

Alright, today is gonna be a bit special. It is not going to be focusing on the artistic writing/filming, but more about the skillfull content. There are going to be a couple of clips with (at least what I class as) great skill in their respective field.

The first one is "Way back home".

This video is following the street-trailist Danny MacAskill from Scotland. This video is produced/sponsored by Red Bull and is filmed in the style of "The Collective", which is a group that does mountain bike movies. (You can check their stuff out HERE). Danny shows some real skills on his bike in this short film, so watch it, and love it.


The second clip I want you to see, is a BMX short showing off some major flatland skills from Simon O'Brien. This is the type of stuff I would love to be able to do if I ever get a BMX. Just seeing how he makes it look so easy and fluent makes me a bit jealous. I hope you enjoy it as much as I do.

Those were the videos for today. I will post the final post of Video Week tomorrow, and I hope to find a couple of really special videos for you to enjoy to the fullest.

Untill then;



Thursday, November 18, 2010

Video Week #2

Greetings people!

Today, I got TWO videos for you, and not just one. Both of these are in their own categories, so I'll give them an "evaluation" each. 

The first one breaks the trend of heavy clips that I've had so far. It's a extreme slow motion video. But unlike most Super Slow-mo videos that you get on youtube (this isn't a 10 minute video of people getting slapped in 1000 fps), this has some artistic value to it in my oppinion. It shows you the beautiful things that real-time sort of ruins.

Ladies and gentlemen, the first clip:

"More super slow motion [Water]"

More Super Slow Motion [Water] - 550D from Rickard Bengtsson on Vimeo.


The second video I am giving you, is a video that spoke to me as a scriptwriter. The video is called "Vicky and Sam", and is about 3 writers, coming up with a romance-based-script. I just loved it from start to finish. Give it a look and give me your thoughts on it.

Vicky and Sam from Nuno Rocha on Vimeo.

Well, peeps. That was all for this time. But I hope you like these two vids, and I hope you are looking forward to tomorrow.



Wednesday, November 17, 2010

Video week.

I am now spontaneously (thanks Rho) making this into "Videos that I think you should see"-week.

And no, this will not be filled with retarded videos of people doing stupid shit or cute puppies or whatever, but clips that deserves attention for their brilliance.

The first one was "My name is Lisa" that I posted monday. And today, I bring you: SPIN.

Watch the video first, then I'll post my views and reasons.

The main reason why I post this is because it's directed and written by Jamin Winans. Jamin has become one of my favourite writers and directors after seeing some of his stuff. But also because it is so well made, and can be looked at from so many different perspectives.

If you liked this, I greatly recommend you to see "Ink" (IMDB page). I got this recommended by my friend Rho (I recommend her stuff in return, you can find some of it here.)

I will see you again tomorrow with another clip that contributes to society and culture and all of the other things that appearantly are important.



Monday, November 15, 2010

"My name is Lisa."

The title might be a bit confusing, but it has a purpose. It's the title of a video clip I want you to see. This didn't catch my eye at first, but stick through it to the end, and you'll know why I think you need to watch it.

This is a masterpiece, and you don't find that very often on YouTube.

Ladies and Gentlemen, I give you;

"My name is Lisa."

And that will be all I post today. But I hope it gave you something to think about and realize something.



Sunday, November 14, 2010

"Video games make people violent!", My take on this.

Alright, it's my turn to step up to the plate and post my thoughts on the age-old topic of; "Do people become violent because of video games?".

I'd like to start this off to explain my history and relationship to gaming, and give you a bit of backstory to why this subject is repeatedly coming up to discussion with me. Let's get history out of the way.

My first console, and real ENCOUNTER with video games, was a Sega Mega Drive (genesis for you yanks). I got it back in 1994 from my brother when he moved away from home, and with it I got NHL 94 and FIFA 94. From that moment on, I was a gamer. I spent LOADS of time playing video games after school, and I just kept on adding to my arsenal of games. (Might add that I now own well over a 100 Mega Drive games).

In early ages, my Mega Drive was my escape from the harsh reality I was living at the time. Constantly getting picked on at school etc etc. Don't want to go into that shit and make this a emo post. BUT ANYWAY. My Mega Drive allowed me to shut everything else out and become someone else. I could be whatever the fuck I wanted. A NHL player, a vietnam soldier, an olympic gold medalist. This whole era was the reason I became the gamer I am today.

After those times, I've still kept that state of mind when it comes to games. It's an escape from reality that movies and books don't provide in the same way. A truely immersive game is WAAAAAAAAAY better than any book or movie could ever be. The most perfect example, even though I am ashamed of saying it, is World of warcraft. I don't play it anymore (luckily), but it seriously gave me the perfect escape from reality that I wanted. It kept me occupied and distracted from the shit I faced in real life at the time.

So with this said, you now know how I feel about games. A secondary world that lets my imagination run wild and keep me from acting out like a retard in real life.

Now for the topic itself.

The way I see it, gaming is a necessary part of modern society as it is a GREAT way of relieving mental stress and depression. Whenever I get angry, I don't go out and punch some poor old lady across the street, no, I sit down and slam on some hard music and slam down upon computer generated AI. This doesn't hurt anyone, and I get the relief I need.

Now, if you're one of those twats who think "Well, games makes people violent because people HURR DURR BLARGH".

Shut the fuck up.

The reason why people lash out and games get the blame is for one of three reasons.

1. The person in question just happened to play video games on a regular basis, and to be honest, almost everyone are these days. Thus, this point is bullshit.

2. The person in question got no fucking slef-control at all, or is not seeing the game for what it really is: a mother fucking game.

3. The person would've still done the shit they did, but just happened to play a certain game alot, and the act itself could be related (NOTE: IN A VERY WEAK RELATION) to the game.

There is also one argument that I fucking love when people pull:

"Games teaches you how to use guns."

Are you fucking serious?

How will this:

or this:

Teach you how to function and aim this:

It just makes no fucking sense in my mind.

If you want me to add on to this topic, feel free to message me and I'll make a part two on this. I just wanted to cover my basics on the subject.

Signed for now, Exxy.

Friday, November 12, 2010

You know what? You!

Alright, let's make something fun here.

When you've read this, contact me on steam/msn/facebook/wherever and give me a subject to whine/rage/rant/joke about and I will try my best to do so. I will however NOT make any remakes of earlier topics, nor do anything racist/xenophobic/4chanish.

But drop me a line about something that you want my point of view on.

Signed, Exxy.

Thursday, November 11, 2010

Well, would you look at that.

Today will be my first (and hopefully only) sad/emo/depressed/what-the-fuck-ever blogpost. Because this is something I want to get out of the way, and something I can't be arsed to hide really.

Today, when I got home, I felt extremely lonely for the first time in years. I don't mean in the way that "Boo-hoo, I have no one bluh bluh", no no. I felt it in the way that I miss having someone to come home to, or to go home to after work. I get to read all these statuses and blogposts about "Oh, today when I got home from work, my girlfriend/boyfriend had done this and this", and to be honest, I want that.

I am not saying this out of the standpoint that I am not happy, because I am perfectly fine with my situation as it is, but I just miss that feeling of coming home and feel wanted by someone.

Wow, I just realized why crazy catladies get cats...

ANYWAYS. I just wanted to get that out of the way so I can post a more ragey/happy/funny blogpost later on tonight.

And hey, this shows that I can feel something other than hate and joy.

Well, I hope you have a great day.

Talk to you later.

Signed, Exxy.

Monday, November 8, 2010


Alright. As everybody SHOULD KNOW BY NOW, I am a major drum'n'bass fan. Today, Undead2k (Medic for my Team Fortress 2 team) posted a note on his facebook with a fuckload of DnB songs that I've tipped him about, and I offered to add on to the list with some thoughts of artists and genres in DnB that I like. 

So today, I thought I'd copy and paste that list, and you can browse freely and see if you share my enthusiasm for the style of music.

Allow me to quote myself:


Roni Size.

This is in my eyes the godfather of Drum'n'bass. You need to know of him if you're listening to drum'n'bass. He was also the first DnB artist that I heard back in the day.

His most famous song from the early days is Brown paper bag... from 1997:
Roni Size - Brown paper bag (Original edit)

This song was remastered and remixed in 2008 by Roni Size and got a more modern DnB sound: Roni Size - Brown paper bag (2008 Re-edit)

He has also done several colaborations with major artists along the lines of B-real from Cypress Hill, Zack De la Rocha from Rage against the machine, and Method Man of Wu-tang clan: Roni Size feat. B-Real - Child of the wild west

Roni Size feat Zack de la Rocha - Center of the storm

Roni Size feat Method Man - Ghetto celebrity

He's still doing songs together with his "group" named Reprazent, where he has a line of rappers and vocalists to help him with rhymes and lines on his songs, my personal favourite is Dirty Beats where he has some help from MC Dynamite: Roni Size / Reprazent - Dirty beats

He also has some sick remixes out, none of which have gotten enough attention in my eyes, but there is one of Redman's song "Smash sumthin" that I absolutely love: Axel F and Redman - Smash Sumthin' (Roni Size remix)


While we are on remixes, there are certain artists that do absolutely amazing remixes no matter what song they lay their hands on. One of these artists is High Contrast. All of his/their (not sure if it's one guy or not) are absolutely amazing. Some examples are;

Kanye West - Gold Digger (High Contrast remix)

Calvin Harris - Ready for the weekend (High Contrast remix)

The White Stripes - Blue Orchid (High Contrast remix)

Another artist that I absolutely love for remixes, but is a fucking amazing artist apart from remixes, is Netsky. He's a young artist who really broke through the scene just a couple of years ago, and has preformed miracles with his songs and remixes. Some of my favourite Netsky remixes are;

Miike Snow - Black and Blue (Netsky remix)

Swedish House Mafia - One (Netsky remix)

Underworld - Scribble (Netsky remix)

Then there is a whole bunch of random remixes by other big DnB/Dubstep artists that makes me realize over and over that everything sounds better when being done to DnB songs. Some of these are;

Plan B - Stay too long (Pendulum remix)

Ellie Goulding - Starry Eyed (Dexcell remix)

Owl City - Fireflied (threeAM remix)
Then we have some of the artists that do some creative and really good stuff with DnB or DnB-like sounds. Some of these artists are Photek, Muffler, Modestep, Nero, TC, DJ Fresh among others. Some examples of their songs are;

(1): Photek - Industry of noise
(6): DJ Fresh - Talkbox

1. This song has an action movie sound to it, but still has drum'n'bass in the core of it.

2. Muffler is the type of artist where you can't really place him in a fucking category. He's sort of Liquid DnB, but it sounds too agro to be Liquid in my ears. None the less, amazing artist and track.

3. I know that most people are gonna go "EEEW, DUBSTEP!", but listen through the entire track. It does an amazing turn from Dubstep to Drum'n'bass towards the end of the song. I really liked it.

4. This song is in my eyes a Dubstep song gone DnB. It has so many elements and sounds of a dubstep song over a DnB drumline that it just does an amazing job at merging the two genres. Lovely track.

5. TC is in his own category of Drum'n'Bass. Agressive drumlines mixed with bass and ambience that will fuck your ears out of your head. Just amazing songs across the board.

6. DJ Fresh has never really impressed me that much untill his latest album which, by my standings, IS FUCKING FANTASTIC. There is like, 3 songs that are DECENT, the rest is amazing. So defo check him out.
I know, I care too much about music, but this was my list of added shit to Undead's note, and I hope you get some gems from this that you can tollerate listening to.
Untill next time...
...signed, Exxy.
P.S. Thinking of changing my last name to Van Daars. Good / Bad idea? 

Sooooo... the fuck is going on?

I want to start this off by appologizing for the fact that it's been a few days since my last proper post, but that's been because of a few things.

1. Got a new job.
2. Been working alot with the movie team (VFN)
3. Been at Niclas' place alot.
4. Been sleeping alot.

Now, let's look over these points a little closer.

1. New job

So, I've gotten a new job. I can't really go into any major details, but it's at the same mental hospital I worked over the summer, it's just a better job in general. So to be fair, it could be counted as a promotion, not a new job. Anyways, it eats up quite alot of time.

2. VFN!

So my movie team have started to write, record and buy shit for a upcoming series written by yours truely. We have some minor problems so far, but we're getting there slowly. We're hoping to have the new homepage launched at the end of the year, and with it, the first episode of this series.

3. Niclas' place

This is kinda self-explanitory. I've been over at Niclas' place alot, for a number of reasons. One being that I LOVE his appartment. Another being that we've been working alot with the movie team and shit like that, so that's been swapping up quite alot of time.

4. Sleeping

Since I started the job, I've appriciated sleep a hell of a lot more. I get all the sleep I can get when I get home, and enjoy every single second of sleeping. However, I still want to get as much shit as possible done during the days, so it's a bit of a dilemma, but I manage to balance it quite well.

After this post, I should be able to get back on track quite quick again, and hopefully I can start writing more than once a day.

Untill next time;

Chocolate milk.

Signed, Exxy.

Saturday, November 6, 2010

A slight delay.

I am sorry for being a bit abscent, I have just gotten a new job (or promotion, depends on how you see it) and it is taking up quite alot of time, even though it shouldn't.

However, I will try to get a proper post up tonight or tomorrow morning. Depends if Niclas will allow me to borrow his computer to write the post.

Sunday, October 31, 2010

Unexplainable tears.

I know the title sounds emo as fuck, but I'll explain it and hopefully it loses it's emo..ness?

Since somewhere around 7 pm tonight I have had my eyes water up constantly. It almost feels like my body wants me to cry, but I don't feel like I have anything to cry over at all. Now, I've narrowed this down to three options:

1. The pain I have in my ear is forcing my body to react differently to how I actually feel about it.

2. I am just more tired than I think I am and thus my eyes gets watery.

3. I am having one of those weird fucking reactions to something that has happened where my mind is depressed as fuck, but I don't feel it untill later on, where it hits me like a fucking freight train to the face.

Now, I think the most logical would be #2, and #1 is the second most logical, #3 only happens in extreme situations when there's been something serious going on around me (death in the family, death of a friend, someone close to me being seriously injured/sick etc).

But I seem to get this sometimes, and I just can't explain how or why. Anyone that have an answer to this? I usually only get it during the evenings for a few hours, then it stops, and it lasts for a little over a week, then goes away for a few months.

Well, hopefully that explained the emoness a bit.


...Actually, you have to listen to this first:

Atticus Ross - Panoramic (Main theme of 'Book of Eli') 

That song has slammed into my top 3 movie themes of all time, and I can't put my finger on why.

Without further adue:

Signed, Exxy

Fuck you, hangovers!

This is gonna be a shorter blogpost than usual, but that's because the title says it all. I am so god damn hung over from yesterday. I was bartending for me, Niclas and Holmström when drinking yesterday, and after trying a variety of drinks, I got this major hangover.

The good thing to come out of it was that I figured out a thing about myself. If I really want to learn something, I can learn it quite easily. But apart from that, the night was quite MEH after we left Niclas' place. I won't go into details, but it ended differently than me and Holmström hoped I guess.

But yes, hangovers. Fuck them...

...who the fuck am I kidding? I totally deserve this after last night.

I'm gonna head off and continue my headaches, feeling ill and mindless droning.




Oh yeah, as a bonus, a picture from last night:

Wednesday, October 27, 2010

People, you need sampled music in your life.

Let me start off by telling you what sampling is if you are not familiar with it:

Sampling is where you take a snippet of sound and use it for something else. This is mostly common in hip-hop and drum'n'bass. This is a technique that I personally have fallen in love with over the years, just because people are so god damn creative with their sampling sometimes. So today, I will link you some of my favourite sample-based songs.


I will start this one off with a song that an old friend of mine used in one of his movies about Snowblading/Snowboarding. The song is called "Children sing", and that is exactly what the sample is. It's children singing, sampled into a hip-hop beat. Have a listen and learn to love (Also, shameless plug to Claes and his White Label Entertainment for fucking awesome movies that deserves a watch).

Peace Won and Mr. Green - Children sing

The second song I want you to have a listen to is "Spaz out" by Army of the pharaohs. This song takes the main theme from Gladiator and make a hip-hop beat based on it. The lyrics might not be the best I've heard, but the beat is so fucking well made that it deserves a listen.

Army of the pharaohs - Spaz out

The last hip-hop song I will link you today is "Hits from the bong" by Cypress hill. This song uses a guitar sample from "Son of a preacher man" and makes the song so much more enjoyable. I have always loved Cypress hill, but this song is just so special due to that sample. Give it a listen, and just love it!

Cypress hill - Hits from the bong


I will start drum'n'bass with what could be the BEST drum'n'bass song ever created: "Beautiful Lies" by B-Complex. This song samples a woman singing into a beautiful yet fast paced song that just makes me so relaxed every time I listen to it. Give it a listen and love it.

B-Complex - Beautiful lies

Second one will also be from B-Complex, this time "It's a funny world". In this song he samples the shit out of a AWESOME paino string and uses it so fucking well. The entire song is fast paced, loveable and the sample is just so awesome. Give it a listen and fall even more in love with B-Complex as an artist.

B-Complex - It's a funny world


I didn't want to place this one under drum'n'bass, nor hip-hop, because it is something of it's own. The entire song is just based of samples, and I fucking love every second of it. The song is called "Reflected in..." by Micha feat Drut. I heard it in a CSS fragmovie and couldn't stop listening to it once I got a hold of it. Just give it a listen and you will understand what I mean.

Micha feat Drut - Reflected in...


This is just SOME of the sampled music I love, but give them all a listen and you'll understand why you need it in your life. If you feel you don't need it, a simple daily dose of Vitamin C will suffice.


Exxy a.k.a Sample-o-holic. 

Tuesday, October 26, 2010


Bruce is a cool guy. Everyone should love Bruce. More specifically; Everyone should love Support Tech Bruce at the Steam Support, for he gave me my steam account back!

No but on a serious note, I got my steam account back and I finally feel like I have a social life again, yay! This was just a random happy post to motivate me to do the post following this one; the glorious entry of "People, you need X in your life!". So look forward to that.

Signed, Exxy :3

Sunday, October 24, 2010

The peak of stupidity, or too smart for my own good?

So, earlier tonight was the first match of this season in ETF2L. Right before I was supposed to start TF2, my steam crashed. No biggie, happens from time to time. However, when I started steam again, I was asked to enter my password.


So the question is. Am I so smart, that I made a password so hard, that not even I can remember / crack it? Or am I just so stupid that I have a password that is so obvious, that I am just not thinking about it?

Well, I guess I'll just have to sit here and contemplate over my massive fail and drown my tears in zombie blood (playing Dead Rising 2.. OH GOD I LOVE THIS GAME).

Untill next time:


Saturday, October 23, 2010

Exxy Reviews: Medal of Honor

I come to you today with both joy and sadness in my little gaming heart. A gaming series that I have always liked has taken the step towards being another "Call of Duty killer". But is that really a step in the right direction? That will be the goal of my review today; To prove if Medal of Honor does kill off the Call of Duty franchise.

I'm gonna split this review in two, one for multi-player, and one for single-player. The reason I do this, is because it feels like two COMPLETELY different games when it comes to MP and SP. So here we go!


Just like the Call of Duty series have done so far, the game splits up it's story between different characters. As I haven't finished the game completely, I can't say an exact number of how many characters you get to play, but so far I have played 3. Rabbit, Deuce, and Adams. Before we go any further, I would like to show you a picture of Deuce's partner in crime for the most part when you play him; Dusty.

Look at that sexy mother fucker. Viking beard and everything.

Anyways. The story that I've experienced so far is actually quite good. It's a bit rough in the edges and feels a bit like it's trying to knock off every major modern war movie (e.g. Black Hawk Down / Jarhead) but doesn't do it to such a degree that you feel that you want to turn the game off. You also have to remember that Allied Assault (the first Medal of Honor to be realeased for PC) pretty much ripped off the entire beach landing scene from Saving Private Ryan.

However, the thing that makes me like the single player alot is the way that the game handles and the nifty little features you find here and there. I'll give you a couple of examples:

- When sprinting towards cover and pressing the crouch key, your character SLIDES towards cover, making it easier to rush for cover in busy firefights.
- The aim-help isn't annoying like it's been in other FPS's that I've played for the console. It's actually helpful in this game.
- You have a lean button. I CANNOT PUSH THIS ENOUGH: GAMES NEED LEAN BUTTONS. This for the simple reason that no one (unless they have a death wish) puts their entire body out around a corner to have a peek.

How about AI? Well, I've been playing it on the "Normal" difficulty, and I must say that the AI is really well made. There are some parts where the AI has bugged out, but it's not "Walk-into-walls-hurr-durr"-stupid like the AI in Call of Duty has proven to be sometimes. They line up their shots and they do react to sounds if you fuck up and slip off a small edge. So the AI lives up to it's purpose.

I know this is only a rough review, but as I said, I haven't finished the single player, so I might give some additional comments in a future post about that.


Alright, here comes the part that made me a little sad but happy at the same time.

The game was hyped up to be the "Potential Modern Warfare 2 killer!". With a goal like that to live up to, the game really needs to deliver and be original. However, the game isn't original in it's multiplayer. It's Bad Company 2 with killstreaks. This made me both sad and happy. Sad in the way that it's not original, creative or new. HOWEVER! I fucking love Bad Company 2, so the multi-player is really fucking awesome from my point of view when it comes to gameplay.

You have 5 modes to play:

Team Assault - Team Deathmatch pretty much.
Objective Raid - This is like a mix of Rush from Bad Company 2 and Search & Destroy from Modern Warfare 2. One team has to destroy two targets while the other team has to prevent this from happening.
Combat Mission - This is a gamemode I never really liked. It reminds me a bit of assault from Unreal Tournament. Get a series of points to push the defending team back.
Sector Control - This is just like Conquer from Bad Company 2 or Domination from Modern Warfare 2. Control a point, get points while it's controlled, reach the pointlimit to win.
Hardcore - This mixes a few of the game modes and makes the game retardedly realistic. Get hit once and you're dead. This is for those who, like the title says, are hardcore.

However, I must say that I really like that you can focus on the type of weapon you want to level. If you prefer SMG's, level Special Ops. If you prefer Rifles, level Rifleman etc. So that is a BIG plus in my oppinion.

When it comes to maps, I think most of them are good, but I feel that some maps are opted towards one faction depending on game mode. So it's a little balance issue I feel, but hopefully it gets fixed in a minor patch or something.


Alright, time to sum this up.

If you like Bad Company 2 and really love warmovies, this game is completely fucking awesome for you. The gameplay is nice, the game itself is nice, the only downside being that it's overhyped in the way that it's a MW2-killer.

So my verdict is:

8/10 - Defo not a shit game, but could've done with some minor balance fixes in multi-player. The single player delivers quite well, and the AI is some of the better I've seen in a fps so far.


Stay tuned for more reviews in the future.

You've just been review'd!

Signed, Exxy



Friday, October 22, 2010

How the fuck do people do that?

By the title, I mean exercise. Fucking hell, I ran a bit today in a movie me and my friend Niclas made, and with the cold I have I felt like I was gonna fucking die. Lack of breath, constant coughing, and a clogged up nose did not really fucking help.

So apart from the whole "Exxy has no physical stamina what so fucking ever", today has been an awesome day. Let's take it by schedule, shall we?

9 AM - Wake up

10 AM - Starting to REALLY wake up, post a blogpost about it (I'm sad, I know).
12 PM - Niclas calls me and tells me to get ready.
12:30 PM - Niclas arrives, we do some random chit chat and start planning.
2:30 PM - Almost all scenes are done, and we decide to get something to eat. While we're eating, the third guy from our moviegroup ( <--- Shameless plug) shows up, and joins us while me and Niclas finish our food.
4:30 PM - Start filming the last scenes.
5:30 PM - Finished and Niclas extracts the clips while we play abit of Blur.
6 PM - I decide, as the good loser of Blur I am, to go buy some chocolate milk (Yes, chocolate milk, fuck you), cookies and other pasteries to share with the victorious Niclas.
8 PM - The raw editing of the movie is done, and we decide to start sketching up some characters for a roleplay (board game, not live or video game) that we're doing, to have as reserves.
9 PM - I call a cab and order it to pick me up at 11 PM.
9:05 PM - Niclas puts on the Dropkick Murphy's Live in Boston DVD.
10 PM - My mind is starting to get blown from the mixture of Niclas' stories and the DVD.
10:45 PM - My mind is blown, and I start to pack my shit up to go home.
11 PM - I go home

The rest of the evening was spent playing League of Legends and reading facebook message after facebook message about it snowing.

Yes.. we got snow.. in the end of October. And not just a little bullshit snow that will be gone in the morning. Oh no, we're catching up with fucking Greenland in ammounts of snow at the moment.

But here's the thing.

I FUCKING LOVE SNOW. When the first snow falls, I get all happy and warm, and there is a story behind that, however, it would make this post into a fucking novel, so I'll save it for tomorrow or something.

Anyway, time to do my annual "First snow of the winter" tradition;

Walk in the snow, with Linkin Parks "My December" on repeat for an hour.

I'll fill you in on all the details and backstories tomorrow.

I'm off into the snow.


Signed, Exxy.

Thursday, October 21, 2010

What is this, I don't even...

As I sit here, drinking my morning dose of chocolate milk (Yes, chocolate milk, fuck you), I keep peeking over at the clock on the computer and saying out loud to myself:

"WHY THE FUCK AM I UP NOW!? I didn't even know there was a 9 in the AM anymore."

Well, friends, I actually have to take responsibility for once and be up early since I promised my friend Niclas that I would be up and ready at 12 so he and I could get some filming done today. So thus, I am up at this hour, however, I would not say that I am awake. I will now introduce you to my 3 stages of waking up.

1. The "What the fuck is going on?"-phase.

This phase starts out with the whole sleeping thing coming to an end. As I said earlier, I'm not awake, but I am up in the sense of that I'm not asleep. During this phase, I have a tendency to do some things that I in later phases start questioning. For example, this morning I was so tired that I put on my shorts backwards and wore a t-shirt inside out without noticing. I then proceeded to head out to the kitchen for my medication (still on antibiotics for the ear infection) and a glass of water. This is where phase two kicks in.

2. The "Routines are golden"-phase.

During this phase, I start mentally waking up. Untill now, my body has been up and walking, but my mind has been sleeping in a few more minutes. However, this is where my brain goes into phase 1 and starts questioning my body's choices from the first phase. I notice the fucking retarded appearance of my clothes, I notice that spotify is running music I never listen to normally, and that I am surfing around on homepages with little to no interest to me.

This is where my brain tells my body to just stay the fuck in bed untill my brain has fully woken up and can take control, and this leads us to phase 3.

3. The "Realisation"-phase.

This phase is where I properly wake up, and the phase that I am currently moving into at a really slow pace. This is where my choice of dress has started looking acceptable, my food and drink intake has become reasonable, and the music I listen to become more acceptable. This is also the phase where I start doing stuff that I am usually doing, such as play games, write scripts or waste my time browsing facebook/YouTube/FZ/LoL-forums etc. For example, at the moment I am contemplating playing some Medal of Honor on the PS3, or playing some League of Legends while continuing to enjoy my durrent choice of Drum'n'Bass slowly destroying my ears due to high volume.

Those are my three phases of waking up, however, some days it feels like my brain just doesn't wake up and I end up going through my day in phase 2 but my brain just staying in bed, mumbling viciously at my body when it does things my brain doesn't agree with.

Well, I am now out of chocolate milk and I need to aquire more before I feel that I need a nap.

So 'til next time;

Don't get run over!

Signed, Exxy.

Wednesday, October 20, 2010

Fuck you, Swedish healthcare system!

Alright, here it is, the first segment of "Fuck you, X!". My first target will be the Swedish healthcare system, this due to the fact that I don't want to go on a full on rage the first time around. This is more an annoyance about the way patients get treated at _MY LOCAL HOSPITAL_, so I cannot stand for if it is like this all over Sweden, but it's how it is here in town.

Let me tell you a story, so you get a perspective of how my annoyance/light hatred for the lokal hospital came about.

Last tuesday, I had to visit the emergency room due to a sudden loss of hearing on my left ear. I knew the reason why it had happened, and I knew that we had to seek medical attention immediatly. The reason was an ear infection that I have had on and off for the past 3 years, and this time it went so far that one of the infected areas spread to my ear drum and I was completely deafened on one ear.

ANYWAYS, we got ready and went up to the hospital. I get the feeling that they are going to tell me "No, we can't help you tonight, you have to come back tomorrow." But I was preparing to take that fight.

We walk into the emergency room and tell the nurse at the front desk what had happened and told her exactly what needed to be done and that it had to be done fast in order for it to not get worse. She instantly looked at me with a skeptical look and said: "Well, I think you will have to come back tomorrow, we can't really..."

That's where I interuppted her and went into a small rage.

"I knew you were going to say that, so let me counter with this. If we go home, and this gets worse, I will hold you accountable for my lack of hearing, and I will personally make sure that YOU get to pay every single pill that I will need to take during recovery. I work for the same union as you, so I know my god damn rights, and I know what you are allowed to and not allowed to do."

She then proceeded to quickly go talk to a doctor, came back, and told me to wait in the waiting room and said that the doctor will be with us as soon as he can, but it will take a while. I thank her and walk into the waiting room, feeling her eyes looking at me as I walked away.

Then came the fun part. 2 GOD FUCKING DAMN HOURS of doing fuck all and waiting for the doctor. As far as I could see, I was the only fucking patient there apart from an old dude walking back and forth in the halls. I later got to understand that they had ONE.. ONE FUCKING DOCTOR working that night. That's just not acceptable in my eyes.

Luckily, the doctor working was a doctor I had encountered several times before when visiting for the ear infections, but also the doctor that made sure I could get my appendix removed when it was infected, so I had full trust in this guy. 5 minutes after the examination, we got the antibiotics needed, prescription to some ear drops, and everyone was happy.

Now, the rant part of this will be the fact that an emergency room pretty much tells its patients to go home and come back when "they can deal with it". This really sickens me (no pun intended). I mean, what if they would've had two really urgent and serious patients at the same time? Would they just ship one home and say "Come back in the morning when we can deal with you."?

So a big "FUCK YOU!" to the Swedish Healthcare system for cutting down on staff, but a big "FUCKING THANKS, MAN!" to the doctor that made sure I got everything I needed really quick after I was examined.

(Might add that I now have my hearing back, and the infection is almost completely gone.)

I will now relax, drink my chocolate milk (Yes, chocolate milk, fuck you.), and enjoy my music untill Jonny, Adam, Sarah and maybe Nick wants to play some League of Legends.

Smell you later.

Signed, Exxy.

So, here we are again.

But this time, I won't drop it after a few weeks of blogging, as this will be about EVERYTHING, and not aimed at something special in my life.

So, I bid you welcome to:

Exxy's tripple R. The R's standing for Rants, Ramblings and Reviews!

In this blog, you'll see everything from gaming, movies, music to politics, news and other real shit. I will have different "Segments" that will come back from time to time.

The first one will be coming directly after this post, and will be called "Fuck you, X" and will be a rant/rambling about a company/person/establishment that I don't agree with or highly dislike. I have a feeling this will mostly be aimed towards games and gaming companies, but I will force myself to not ONLY make it gaming related. Other segments I will have are "Exxy reviews" and a thing I've done on facebook the past week, which will be transfered here, and I call it: "People, You need X in your life." This as so far been mostly aimed at music, but will probably just be shameless plugs for stuff that I really like across the internet and world in general.

I will also have this thing later on (was planning later this week) where I will answer your question. I will do almost any question, with exceptions for really fucked up shit. Warning though: Retarded questions will get retarded answers. You have been warned.

Again, Welcome to my little world.

May the forces of evil become confused on their way to your house.
(Bonus points for whoever can pinpoint where this is taken from)

Signed, Exxy.