This can't really be ignored anymore, so it's time to look at the whole Wikileaks situation going on in the world.
Let me start off by saying that I am a bit on the fence when it comes to this. On one hand I respect what Wikileaks is doing; Giving information to the people that deserve to hear it.
HOWEVER, I do not support it in the way that they don't seem to realize the extreme consequences this can have on the political world. In a world where some relations already are shakey as it is, we don't need a rat in the system making those relations crumble upon itself.
A thought that struck me the other night when thinking about this whole shebang was that this whole shit could possibly be a contributing factor for an eventual World War 3 if done incorrectly.
Now, I am not saying that Wikileaks will be the founding factor for WW3, not at all, but it could well be that Wikileaks releases some info that is handled incorrectly and/or misinterprited in the eyes of the beholder, thus leading to a major war.
The info on the Iraq/Afghanistan war that Wikileaks released was an acceptable release of information to see how poorly handled the "war" was in the middle east. HOWEVER, the latest release kind of just stirred shit up, and if the next one properly fucks shit up...
...Do not want.
But as I said. I am a bit on the fence on the whole subject since their first release was to out all the wrongs the US did after starting a completely bullshit war in Iraq. But their latest release, to be totally honest, scares me a bit.
What's your thoughts on this?
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