Saturday, January 1, 2011

Fuck you 2010, Welcome 2011!

Alright, a big warning before you get too deep into this and can't stop reading it. This post will contain the following:

- Rage
- Sad moments
- Regrets
- Joys
- A Hit and Shit list

So, now that you've been warned. Let's get into this.

Ladies and Mentlegen, this is my 2010 in review.


So, 2010 is now over, and to be totally honest, I don't really know if it was a good or bad year. Alot of good things happened, but some of the worst things that has ever happened to me also happened this year.

We can start with a cheery note, which actually comes from last night. Me, my brother, and his girlfriend went to a party with some close friends of theirs. I wasn't too sure on how I would fit in to the group, but later found out that I got along with most of them and even got one of those weird nickname-based friendships with one of the other guests.

But the highlight of the night was the fact that my brother was there, he was in a really good mood, and most of all: He was allowed to take a few beers. All in all, it was a really good night.

(1-0 cheery!)


Now, a less cheery note. My brothers accident. I already have a post about it, so you can read that if you need to get filled in about it. It was one of the worst days of my life so far.

(so far, 1-1)


Another less cheery note but with a happy ending! At the beginning of the year, I broke contact with a friend of mine, and at the time it felt like it was something I had to do. Today, I want to knee myself in the face for being such a fucking retard. After about 6 months of no contact with her, I sent her a message, and got a response (which I didn't expect to get at all). Now, we're back to being friends, and I have to say, she is one of the best friends I've ever had.

Misa, if you're reading this, I am so sorry for what I did, and you have no idea how glad I am that you took me back as your friend after I was a complete dick towards you earlier this year. I hope you and Eph stay as happy as I see that you guys are now, you deserve it more than anyone else.

(Fuck it, I am adding a point to each on this, 2-2)


Now, a really fucking shitty note. I am not going to include any major details, but earlier this year, I had (what I felt) was the biggest stab in the back of my life. I put my full trust in someone I loved and cared about, and that person turned around and fucked me over so bad that it left scars that will be there for fucking life. I have broken contact with that person now, and I hope that I can get my ability to trust people properly back.

(Oh noes, cheery notes are down! 2-3)


Positive note! I got a job!.. That I love!.. But I'm not sure I am gonna get to keep it. I was working as a temp, and my contract ran out yesterday, and I have no idea if I am still allowed to jump in from time to time to assist them at my job. It's a small department with 5 employees (My brother was one of them), and I was there to fill out the numbers during a holiday, and got to stay for a while, and I absolutely love my job. It's really rewarding compared to my earlier jobs. So.. for me.. keep your fingers crossed I get to keep the job.

(Not sure what to add to this, so I'll do one of each I guess. 3-4)


This past year, I've had some of the most heartwarming bro-moments with my two best IRL friends. I've seen one of them get a girlfriend and being really happy for a long period of time. Holmström, if you read this, you know I only jab at you with good intents, bro. 

The other friend and I had the best bro-moment I have ever experienced in my entire life. Out of respect for him, I won't detail the entire story, but let's just say that I got to be with him for a moment that could be one of the best happenings of his life. It's also the first time in my life that I sit up to 6 am (waiting for the cab companies to start driving) and talking about all types of good stuff from the years. Niclas, if you're reading this, I am so thankful I got to be there that night, and I really wish you the best with the future of that moment.

(This defo gets a cheery one. 4-4)


These were only some of the moments of the past year, but these were some of the major ones that impacted me heavily. There are some people I want to thank for being there, being bro's, and most of all; Being the best people they could be under 2010.

Misa - Again, I am sorry for what I did, and I wish you and Ephie the best.

Masson - You've been a really good bro this year, and I am really looking forward to meeting you in real life, bro.

Niclas - I am so thankful that you've been here and that you've allowed me to be there when you wanted to talk. 2011, the year of the Rainbow Six commanders, bro.

Holmström - As I said earlier bro, every jab you get from me, comes with some underlying bromance dude. We'll have to get some more spontaneus trips planned dude. I wish you and Emelie the best.

r0cky - Dude, bro, batman. I know 2010 was a bit hard on you, but I know you. You'll hit the ground running in 2011. Keep strong bro, and make sure we can get some mixes in dude. It's been too long.

Undead2k (a.k.a Addie) - I've gotten really close to Addie the past year, and I hope it stays this way, because you are a really cool guy, dude. Hell, that huntsman of yours is part of the reason I can get my gaming going for mixes. Also, *poke* Logo *poke*.
Tom - Everything from Starcraft 2 to League of Legends to Team Fortress 2, gaming with you have been hillarious and really enjoyable. I also want to thank you for putting trust in me with the team while you had your nights off.

Spaceboy McGhee - I do believe that you, Adam, Sarah and Nick were the reason I became so god damn addicted to League of Legends, and I love you all for it. I've also had some of the best discussions and conversations of the past year with you. (The ska and punk conversation was the biggest suprise and enjoyable conversation of the year.)

Leifalot - We've had some laughs the past year, and hopefully, we get to fulfill team EIF a bit more under 2011! Go us! LEIFJÄVEL!

Homer - Watching you play have resulted in some of the most spectacular "WOAH!" moments of the past year. Your damn kamakazie airstrafing has given me quite the practice and motivation to be able to shoot you down AT LEAST 90% of the time in 2011. Go team Luxemburg!

Sick-Lizard - There's been some real hillarity between us during warmups and during matches the past year. The rage, the LOL's, the WTF's and the warping. Hope we can finetune that teamwork for 2011.

Lucky & Page - I count you guys as a team. You guys are hillarious when you're together, and you're really fun to talk to and joke around with individually. Oh, and Lucky, I still owe you a beer and a box of cookies. 

Mats - Keep on raging dude, it's weirdly motivational. I have to say that I enjoy the occational youtube and other links you throw my way from time to time. "Jaevla svensker", amirite?

Malow, emp, Zolan, eXplico, xc3 - "Skånefolket". I really want to thank you for some really insane and hillarious games the past year. I hope to meet you guys for my birthday dudes. DANSKJÄVLAR! NOSFERATU!


The list goes on with people I want to thank, but I don't want to make this into a novel, so I have to set the line somewhere.

I promised you a Hit/Shit list, so this will be the top and bottom 3 of the past year.



1. The bro-moments with Niclas and Holmström

2. The close friends I've made this past year.

3. The support and concern from everyone around me during my brother's accident.


1. The backstab and lack of trust in people nowadays.

2. My brother's accident

3. The fact I might loose my job.


Now, this will conclude 2010, and I really wish you all a good 2011. Thank you all for reading, and I hope you will stay strong and awesome for the upcoming year.

I will start the gaming adventure the upcoming week, and I will make sure to keep my promise of a post every day about my adventures, and if everything goes as planned, there will be a little bonus thing at the start of the week.

Best of wishes,

1 comment:

  1. Yes, Tony, I deleted your comment, but not for the reason that you thought. I deleted it because this is not the place to deal with your opinions, If you want to deal with them, bring them directly to me, and not to a post that I want to be focusing mainly on hopes for the future.
