Thursday, January 20, 2011

Entertainment!.. or some shit like that.

Alright, I usually don't like doing these, but I thought "meh, fuck it, might be fun."

This is one of those questionares you see all over facebook, however, I stole this one from my cousin Louise (HAI!) and thought that it might actually be entertainment. Let's try it out, shall we?

(I translated it myself btw, So be appriciative god damnit!)

Something that made you happy yesterday: Um.. Playing Bad Company 2 with Niclas I guess?
What did you do today at 8 am?: Sleeping...
What did you do 15 minutes ago?: Played League of Legends
Last thing you said out loud: "Keep a check on these matches, I placed bets on all of them." to my dad.
Last thing someone said to you: "Will do!" from my dad in response to the previous question.  
What have you been drinking today?: Water, Orange Juice and Mineral Water
What was the last thing you ate?: I knicked a handfull of crisps from my dad in the living room.
What was the last thing you bought?: Uhm.. In a actual store: A big bottle of coke and some candy for a movie night at Niclas' place. Online: DLC for Battlefield Bad Company 2.
What color is your door?: Brown, and what type of fucking question is that? I'll counter that with "What color is your mothers bedpost? OH WAIT, I KNOW THAT ONE! Booyah."
What's the weather like at your place?: Is this questionare boring itself so much that it is seriously asking about the weather? Well, it's cold and cloudy. Welcome to Sweden.
Favourite ice-cream flavour?: Vanilla :3
Do you believe in love at first sight?: I believe in headshot at first sight? No, but seriously, I'm not sure.
Are you a heavy sleeper?: Quite.
Do you have nightmares?: The fuck? Psychoanalasys time! Of course I do!
Are you happy with your job?: Yes, I fucking love my job. It feels like something I could do for a long time. Favourite type of clothing?: Big clothes. Baggy cargo's, big shirts, etc.
Favourite song right now?:  I've been listening quite alot to 'Saul Williams - List of demands' and 'I Fight Dragons - Don't you?' lately.
What do you see if you look to your right?: A deoderant and my cellphone.
What makes you happy right now?: Music and Video Games I guess.
What are you going to do after this?: Play a bit of Team Fortress 2 I think. 
Right or left handed?: Right-handed 
How are you feeling right now?: Relaxed and at peace.
Favourite candy?: DAIM!!! (Insider joke within VFN)
What are you wearing?: Fucking pervert. A 3 sizes too big hockey jersey, Cargo-shorts and underwear.
Plans for the summer?: Most likely gonna work and chill all summer. Aiming to go for a holiday when autumn comes.
How many pillows do you have when you sleep?: 2. Which would explain my fucked neck.
Do you know how to play any instruments?: Guitar, although I am not awesome at it.
Morning or night person?: Night, because I prefer the dark..
What's most important to you?: Music, Gaming, Friends, Movies, Writing.
Are you ticklish?: I will answer this like I answer when someone tries to tickle me: "If you even fucking try, I will chop your fucking hands off."
Do you snore?: Ask your mom, she knows.
Astrological sign: I think it's Genesis, which is awesome because I FUCKING LOVE SEGA GENESIS!
Most gross bug?: I don't know? I don't really mind bugs that much? OH WAIT, THAT ANNOYING FUCKING BUG WHERE YOU CAN'T SEE ANIVIA'S FUCKING ICE-BOMB!
What are you longing for the most right now?: The day people will understand that Drum'n'Bass makes everything so much better.

Well, I hope that was entertaining for you, because to be fair, this sort of creeped me out on some questions. If you like this, I can dig up more of these and answer them for your entertainment.

Untill next time,



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