Friday, February 18, 2011

Exxy reviews: Just Cause 2

Alright, it's time to get another review going. The reason I am reviewing a game that isn't really new, is because I want to get back into reviewing for next week. Because next week is the release of Bulletstorm, and I am SOOOOOOOOOOO gonna review that. ANYWAY!

Just Cause 2. Front cover shown here:

Let's get the boring surrounding crap over with:

Developed by the swedish developers Avalanche studios, Published by the publisher Eidos. Now that is out of the way, let's get to the fun stuff.

You play as the funny, charming and extremely latin Rico (Shown below) who is a CIA agent with a dedication for his mission(s)!

The story in the game is that you are going into a made up asian country called "Panau". Everything is not fine and dandy in Panau after the president got assassinated by his son, who is now president. It is your mission to go in and set things str...

...You know what, that's not what the game is about though. The story is like a side-quest in a RPG game.

You wanna know what the game is really about? Like REALLY about?

Fucking around. That's right. Going from town to town, blowing shit up and slaughtering the entire army of the current president. 

You know why? To get "Chaos". Chaos unlocks missions (side-quests derp), Black market items, Story missions (super side-quests), and Stronghold takeovers (side-quest enabling side-quest).

But really, with a sandbox about as big as the fucking sun and vehicles ranging wider than the equator, this game is the ultimate fucking around simulator EVER. 

I'll give you a scenario:
You set a waypoint to go to the next super side-quest. You realize it's 26 kilometers away(!). You call the Black market and order a military jet. Your jet arrives, and off you go! About 3 minutes after take-off, you see a military airbase. You kamakazie the fuck out of the hangar containing 4 other military jets. You blow up everything with the army-star on it, and get the fuck out. Carry on as usual. Rinse, repeat.

^ THAT.. THAT is Just Cause 2 and what it's about. Going apeshit. Living out your  destruction-fetishes upon south-east asian soldiers.

And I haven't told you the most funny feature yet:

The grapling hook. This thing is completely fucking overpowered. Let me make a top 5 of the funniest things I've discovered with the grapling hook so far:

5. Putting one end in a Panauan soldier, and then attaching the other end to a gas canister, then send the gas canister flying.

4. Putting one end in a speeding car, the other one in a nearby house, then watch as the car makes a quintiple backflip and explode.

3. Attach the hook between two cars and make them drive on each side of a tree or some  other object and laugh your ass off when they swing around and frontal eachother.

2. Attach a Panauan soldier to a jet plane, then proceed to do 400 barrel rolls with him dangling from underneath the jet.

1. This one kills you, but  is  so fucking funny to do between missions anyway. Grapple yourself to a enemy plane, fly with it for a while, when you find a military base or alike, you drop from the plane, free fall towars the ground, find a soldier to land on, then wait for the military jet to follow you and blow the entire base up.


So to sum this up.

Is Just Cause 2 worth the money and time? I would say FUCK YES, with some added "SHIT YEAH" for measure.

This is a game about fucking around to unlock content. GTA IV didn't even have that. This is pretty  much everything that GTA IV should've had. Especially NO MOTHER FUCKING ROMAN!

I give Just Cause 2:

9/10 Panauan soldiers attached to a commercial airliner.

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